Forensic & Violence Risk Assessment

Forensic psychology is the intersection of psychological science and the law. Assessments and expert witness testimony can assist the courts in understanding how psychological conditions can impact an individual's functioning, decision-making, or risk of engaging in violent behavior.

Forensic Evaluations

Dr. Bailey provides expert witness services in civil, criminal, and family law matters. Further, he is a trained custody evaluator through the Parenting Evaluation and Training Program (PETP). Evaluations most frequently focus on determining if any psychological or cognitive conditions are present and how these may be connected to an experience you had, decision-making capacities, or your ability to provide a consistent environment for children. When an evaluation is requested, it involves a comprehensive interview, completion of psychological assessment measures, and a review of available records. In addition, a report of the findings may be completed and submitted to the court. Dr. Bailey has conducted evaluations and testified in Snohomish, King, Pierce, and Island counties, as well as federal court. He provides the following expert witness services:

  • Comprehensive evaluations, including assessment of personality and cognitive abilities
  • Mental health in the context of parenting
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Review of records
  • Literature review
  • Attorney education or consultation
  • Dr. Bailey is not currently accepting referrals for full parenting evaluations

For individuals in civil, family law, or criminal matters, please have your attorney contact Dr. Bailey directly, as he cannot work directly with any party directly. The only exception to this is if you do not have an attorney (pro se) in a family law matter.

Threat of Violence and Risk Assessment

Violence risk assessments involve a comprehensive evaluation to assess an individual’s risk and protective factors regarding the likelihood of engaging in violent behavior. These evaluations can be helpful whether a person has a history of violent behavior and are most effectively done in conjunction with a team (e.g., HR department, teachers, school administrators). Although it is not possible to predict whether a specific behavior will occur, the evaluation processes focusing on identifying areas that increase one’s level of risk and provides recommendations to reduce the likelihood of violent behavior. Dr. Bailey has provided violence risk evaluations for individuals, corporations, and schools, please contact him directly if you have further questions.

1728 W Marine View Dr
Suite 109
Everett, WA 98201

1728 W Marine View Dr
Suite 224
Everett, WA 98201

(425) 931-6450

(425) 230-0312
